Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Introductions - a little bit about me and this blog


My graduate education, teaching and research career have been and continue to be in the field of nutrition science. I am originally from a Kansas suburb of Kansas City, Missouri and I now live in Southern California with my husband and two cats.  We recently moved from Ohio and I am thrilled with the change!

Dignan and Simon (about 7 months old) in California taking full advantage of what little furniture we had during the week before our moving truck arrived.

I am passionate about human nutrition and have decided to start a blog about the science of nutrition and related news topics. I define news by the actual news and my social media news. I am in a transitional point in my career so this seems like a great time to begin this blog. Okay, I will be a bit more upfront; I am looking for work, have a great deal of time on my hands, and I really miss talking about nutrition and science! 

A self-portrait taken not long after arriving in the nearly always sunny Southern California.

A little bit more about me, my credentials and qualifications…

My name is Mardi Parelman and I am a nutrition scientist. 

I spent my junior high, high school, and undergraduate career avoiding science and math like the Ebola virus.  I earned a dual B.S. in English Literature and Communication and Performance Studies from Northern Michigan University (Northern Michigan University).  Throughout college and after graduation, I worked in radio, taught preschool, and as a temp.  One temp job changed my life when I was assigned to a children’s hospital. I ended up staying there for several years. I was exposed to science in a practical way for the first time.  I was exposed to nutrition as a science for the first time.  I was intrigued.  I soon realized I wanted to go back to school to become a nutritional immunologist. I wanted to learn about how things we eat, drink, and swallow (like supplements) impact the way our bodies function at the cellular level.   So, I went back to school and took all the science classes I had been avoiding to get ready to apply to graduate school.  I earned my M.S. in Human Nutrition at Kansas State University (Kansas State University) and continued on to get my Ph.D. in Nutritional Biology with a minor in Immunology at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). 

I am an educator (college level), Reiki practitioner (though this does not come up much these days), a writer (in-progress), and scientist.  I talk about science and try to unravel often confusing or conflicting nutrition information.  Please, always go talk to your doctor or healthcare practitioner with questions and concerns. I do not counsel, diagnose or treat disease.   

This blog is updated on Tuesdays.  Thanks for stopping by!  
